Nothing Approches You

Nothing Approches You


Nothing approaches you

Thanking God for protecting us throughout the past days and making us see this new day, I greet and welcome you for today’s meditation.

May the Lord who has protected us and our family throughout the past days, protect you from anything approaching you and from harming you in the days to come.

In Ps 32: 6 the scriptures say this, ‘for this reason, in the time of need, every devout person will call upon you, and even if a great flood comes, it will not reach him’. Nothing can approach us when the Lord Almighty is with us.

Which ones do not approach us? Let us see some things from the scriptures.

1. The flood will not approach us. Ps 32: 6 ‘For this reason, in the time of your fellowship, anyone who is devout will pray to you, and even if a great flood comes, it will not reach him’

What does water flow do?

*Covers everything – Job 22: 11 ‘Darkness has come so that you cannot see, and the flood covers you’.

*Everything will be swept away – Isaiah 28: 17 ‘I will make justice a thread, and righteousness a thread; the hail will destroy the refuge of lies, and the flood will sweep away the hiding place’.

*Destroys everything – Genesis 7: 24 ‘And the waters flowed over the earth for one hundred and fifty days’. Because the water was flowing over the earth for 150 days, everything died. Genesis 7: 21,22 ‘Then the birds, the wild animals, the wild animals, all the animals that move on the earth, all the human beings, and everything that moves on the earth died. Of all that was in the air, all that breathed life in the nostrils died’.

2. Destruction does not approach us. Psalm 91: 5-7 ‘For the terror of the night, and the arrow that flies by day, You will not be afraid of the pestilence that walks in the darkness, nor of the plague that destroys at midday. Though a thousand fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand, it shall not come near thee’.

3. Evil does not approach us. Proverbs 19: 24 ‘The fear of the Lord is for life, and he who attains it will be satisfied and steadfast: evil will not come near him’.

4. Pestilence shall not approach our tent. Ps 91:10 ‘Therefore evil shall not befall you, and pestilence shall not come near your tent’

5. Horror (fear) does not approach us. Isaiah 54: 14 ‘You will be strengthened by righteousness, far from cruelty, you will not be afraid, far from terror, it will not come near you’. 

May the Lord protect you from these things approaching us through the words we have learned here.

Also, let’s look at three things we should do to keep them from approaching us.

1. Confession of Sin:

Ps 32: 5, 6 ‘I acknowledged my sin unto thee, And mine iniquity did I not hide: I said, I will confess my transgressions unto Jehovah; And thou forgives the iniquity of my sin. Selah. For this let every one that is godly pray unto thee in a time when thou mayest be found: Surely when the great waters overflow they shall not reach unto him.

2. To pray to God for help:

Ps 32: 6 ‘For this reason, in the time of your help, every godly person will call on you, and even if a great flood comes, it will not reach him’.

3. To fence ourselves with blood:

Exodus 12: 13 ‘The blood shall be a sign for you in the houses where you are.

I will see the blood and pass over you. When I destroy the land of Egypt, the plague of destruction will not enter you’.

So beloved, when we too confess our sins and plead to God and fence ourselves with blood, our Lord Almighty will protect us, our family and our dependents without any approach.

May the Lord bless you.


  Our heavenly Father, who has all authority in heaven and on earth! Thank you for speaking sweet words to us at this auspicious time. Father, give us the grace to pray to You more these days. Lord, thank you for protecting us and our family from harm. I pray these things in the sweet name of Jesus Father! Amen.

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